Hebrew Resources
Online Biblical Hebrew Tools
Daily Dose Apps
Hebrew Bibles
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- Weekly Reading Logs
- Overview Video of Dictionaries and Lexica
- Logos Bible Study Software
- See and Hear Bible Verses in Hebrew
- Hebrew 4 Christians
- Hebrew Bible Audio by Chapters
- Hebrew Online Course (Biblearc) – Intro to Reading the Old Testament
- Free Hebrew Online Course by William Fullilove
- Hebrew Bible with Audio
- Glossa House Hebrew and Aramaic Resources
Biblical Hebrew Grammars
Beginning Biblical Hebrew by Mark D. Futato
Mark Futato has produced a grammar that, after years of testing in a number of institutions, will please many, with its concise, clear, and well-thought-out presentation of Biblical Hebrew. Because the teaching of biblical languages is in decline in many seminaries and universities, Futato takes pains to measure the amount of information presented in each chapter in a way that makes the quantity digestible, without sacrificing information that is important to retain. The book includes exercises that are drawn largely from the Hebrew Bible itself. Buy on Amazon
Invitation to Biblical Hebrew: A Beginning Grammar
A tested approach to learning biblical Hebrew in an ideal package for the first-year Hebrew student. This clear, accurate, and pedagogically sound textbook emphasizes the basics: Hebrew phonology (sounds) and morphology (forms). This grammar does not use jargon or technical language, but uses terms easily understood and remembered so biblical Hebrew can be used with regularity and authority. Buy on Amazon
Invitation to Biblical Hebrew Syntax: An Intermediate Grammar
Invitation to Biblical Hebrew Syntax offers advanced Bible students, seminarians, and graduate students who want to learn biblical Hebrew an in-depth, carefully organized approach to language mastery. By imitating traditional Semitic models and emphasizing composition and recitation, this book harnesses the classical-language study methodology that has proven effective through the centuries. Buy on Amazon
Learning Biblical Hebrew: Reading for Comprehension: An Introductory Grammar
Learning Biblical Hebrew focuses on helping students understand how the Hebrew language works and providing a solid grounding in Hebrew through extensive reading in the biblical text. Introduces advanced concepts in a form accessible to beginning students. Prepares students for translation of unedited biblical texts by the end of first semester. Emphasizes reading comprehension rather than decoding. Promotes a strong oral component to enhance language competence. Written for first-year and second-year Hebrew students, grammar is laid out to present comprehensive concepts to first-year students and then to aid in review and deeper understanding for second-year students. Buy on Amazon
A Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar: 2nd Edition
This new and fully revised edition of the A Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar serves as a user-friendly and up-to-date source of information on the morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics of Biblical Hebrew verbs, nouns and other word classes (prepositions, conjunctions, adverbs, modal words, negatives, focus particles, discourse markers, interrogatives and interjections). It also contains one of the most elaborate treatments of Biblical Hebrew word order yet published in a grammar. Buy on Amazon
Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar
“Stands alone as the definitive reference work on Hebrew grammar.” — Ancient Hebrew Studies Center. For almost a century, Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar has proven to be one of the most comprehensive works on Hebrew, covering all aspects of the language, including historical background, pronunciation, etymology, syntax, and sentence structure. Generally recognized as the most useful and authoritative reference grammar for Biblical Hebrew, the text includes indices of Hebrew words, subjects, and Biblical passages as well as an extremely valuable appendix listing paradigms. An indispensable resource for students and translators, Gesenius’ book remains the most usable reference grammar for classical Hebrew. Buy on Amazon
A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew
Already well known in its two-volume first edition, this is the most extensive revision yet of one of the most complete Hebrew Grammars available in English. This edition brings the work up to the present by taking account of developments in our understanding of the Hebrew language during the intervening years. The work is now presented in a paperback single volume. Professor Muraoka hopes that this helps to make the book more attractive and the content easier to use. As with the ear-lier edition students of the Old Testament, Hebrew and Semitics who have a basic knowledge of Bib-lical Hebrew will find much useful insight and information here. Buy on Amazon
Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax
Meeting the need for a textbook for classroom use after first year Hebrew grammar, Waltke and O’Connor integrate the results of modern linguistic study of Hebrew and years of experience teaching the subject in this book. In addition to functioning as a teaching grammar, this work will also be widely used for reference and self-guided instruction in Hebrew beyond the first formal year. Extensive discussion and explanation of grammatical points help to sort out points blurred in introductory books. More than 3,500 Biblical Hebrew examples illustrate the points of grammar under discussion. Buy on Amazon
Hebrew Bibles
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia: A Reader’s Edition
A helpful language reference tool for students, pastors, and scholars. The BHS Reader’s Edition is for those who have a basic understanding of Biblical Hebrew and desire to read and study the Hebrew Bible. With this book alone (and a year of Hebrew), students are able to read the Hebrew Bible in its entirety.Main features include: – Complete text of the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, checked against the Leningrad Codex – All words that occur fewer than 70 times are parsed and contextually defined in the apparatus – Glossary listing of all other words – Improved layout of poetic texts – All weak verb forms are parsed. Buy on Amazon
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS)
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) is known to be the definitive edition of the Hebrew Bible. It is widely regarded as a reliable edition of the Hebrew and Aramaic scriptures and is the most widely used original-language edition among scholars. It is a revision of the third edition of the Biblia Hebraica edited by Rudolf Kittel, the first Bible to be based on the Leningrad Codex. The Leningrad Codex is the oldest complete Hebrew Bible still preserved. It originally appeared in installments, from 1968 to 1976, with the first one-volume edition in 1977; it has since been reprinted many times. The text is a nearly exact copy of the Masoretic Text as recorded in the Leningrad Codex. The Masoretic notes are completely revised. Buy on Amazon
Textual Criticism
Old Testament Textual Criticism: A Practical Introduction 2nd Edition
This accessibly written, practical introduction to Old Testament textual criticism helps students understand the discipline and begin thinking through complex issues for themselves. The authors combine proven expertise in the classroom with cutting-edge work in Hebrew textual studies. This successful classic (nearly 25,000 copies sold) has been thoroughly expanded and updated to account for the many changes in the field over the past twenty years. It includes examples, an updated bibliography, and a textual commentary on the book of Ruth. Buy on Amazon
A Student’s Guide to Textual Criticism of the Bible: Its History, Methods and Results
The Bible has been on a long historical journey since its original composition. Its texts have been copied and recopied. And despite the most careful and painstaking efforts of scribes and publishers down through the centuries, errors of one sort or another have crept in and have been reproduced. Sorting out the errors and determining the original wording is the task of textual criticism. In fact, the task of textual criticism is so daunting and detailed that it is divided between Old Testament textual critics and New Testament textual critics. If you are one of those interested in a general understanding of textual criticism, this book introduces you to textual criticism of the whole Bible–the Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament. Buy on Amazon
The Text of the Old Testament: An Introduction to the Biblia Hebraica 3rd Edition
Books at a Glance “An important, up-to-date resource that will benefit everyone interested in Old Testament Textual criticism. The excellent bibliography, diagrams, and plates are unique contributions among introductory works in the field. Highly recommended.”
Kristin De Troyer — University of St. Andrews “This finely revised and nicely updated version of one of the classics in our field can truly be called a grand introduction to the history of the biblical text.”
Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible
Since its initial publication, Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible has established itself as the indispensable authoritative textbook and reference on the subject. In this thoroughly revised third edition, Emanuel Tov has incorporated the insights of the last ten years of scholarship, including new perspectives on the biblical texts among the Dead Sea Scrolls, all of which have now been published. Here are expanded discussions of the contribution of textual criticism to biblical exegesis and of the role of scribes in the transmission of the text. The introduction and references throughout the book have been thoroughly revised with the beginning student of textual criticism in mind. Buy on Amazon
Other Resources
Hebrew for Life: Strategies for Learning, Retaining, and Reviving Biblical Hebrew
Three experienced biblical language professors inspire readers to learn, retain, and use Hebrew for ministry, setting them on a lifetime journey of reading and loving the Hebrew Bible. This companion volume to the successful Greek for Life offers practical guidance, inspiration, and motivation; incorporates research-tested strategies for learning; presents methods not usually covered in other textbooks; and surveys helpful resources for recovering Hebrew after a long period of disuse. It will benefit anyone who is taking (or has taken) a year of Hebrew. Foreword by Miles van Pelt. Buy on Amazon
A Guide to Biblical Hebrew Syntax 2nd Edition
A Guide to Biblical Hebrew Syntax introduces and abridges the syntactical features of the original language of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. An intermediate-level reference grammar for Biblical Hebrew, it assumes an understanding of elementary phonology and morphology, and it defines and illustrates the fundamental syntactical features of Biblical Hebrew that most intermediate-level readers struggle to master. The volume divides Biblical Hebrew syntax and morphology into four parts. Buy on Amazon
From the Video Blog
Interpretive Lexicon of OT Hebrew and Aramaic
Interpretive Lexicon of OT Hebrew and Aramaic
YouTube Video:
JUC Weekend Edition
JUC Weekend Edition
YouTube Video:
Hebrew Accents Memory Device
This short video provides a memory device with hand motions for learning some of the Hebrew Disjunctive Accents.
Interview with Scott Callaham
In today’s special weekend edition, Adam Howell of the Daily Dose of Hebrew interviews Scott Callaham of the Daily Dose of Aramaic. Hear Scott’s path to academia and a brief overview of his dissertation, Modality and the Biblical Hebrew Infinitive Absolute. Also, hear the benefits of studying all three biblical languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek). Finally, find out how Scott would encourage you to use your biblical language study in ministry. If you would like to view a similar discussion, you can view Scott Callaham’s interview with Adam Howell posted today on the Daily Dose of Aramaic website.
YouTube Video:
Ezra 4:8–6:18 and 7:12–26
The Daily Dose of Hebrew will begin a new series on Monday. Today, we feature the new video that The Daily Dose of Aramaic is beginning in Ezra. Sign up to learn and read Aramaic for free at DailyDoseofAramaic.com
YouTube Video:
Aramaic for Everyone!
Today, we feature Dr. Scott Callaham, the host of the Daily Dose of Aramaic. For those who are interested, he will be teaching a breakout session titled “Aramaic for Everyone.” DailyDoseofGreek.com/Conference
YouTube Video:
Hebrew Refresher Course, July 24-28
Dr. Howell stands in an empty classroom with a seat waiting for YOU! Join Dr. Howell for the biannual ‘Hebrew Review Course’ – Only $75 for an in-person 5-day class!
Sign up for the Review Class
Sign-up for the Conference
YouTube Video:
Hebrew Reading Lists
In today’s weekend edition, Dr. Howell overviews some reading lists in Hebrew for Life and then discusses one from Tim McNinch and one from Miles Van Pelt. Those last two are freely available to Daily Dose subscribers (Click Here).
YouTube Video:
Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 1:23 in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin
Drs. Howell, Plummer, and Flatt bring you Christmas reflections from the Scriptures in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. Merry Christmas!
Vimeo Video:
Korean Language Daily Dose of Greek
Korean Language Daily Dose of Greek
The Daily Dose ministry is happy to announce a new addition – the Korean Daily Dose of Greek (DDGKorea.com), hosted by Dr. Hanbyul Kang. Other members of the Daily Dose family are: Daily Dose of Greek, Daily Dose of Hebrew, Daily Dose of Latin, Spanish Daily Dose of Greek, and Spanish Daily Dose of Hebrew.
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